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Boston Marathon Charity Entry 2024 Cost

Boston Marathon Charity Runners Required to Fundraise

Minimum Fundraising Requirements Set for Official Charity Participants

Qualified Runners Must Raise $2,500

Each athlete representing an Official Charity in the Boston Marathon is mandated to meet specific fundraising goals. These requirements vary depending on the organization, with some setting minimums as high as $10,000.

For example, runners joining the Big Sister Association of Greater Boston Marathon Team must raise a minimum of $10,000. The Boston Athletic Association (BAA), which organizes the Marathon, sets a minimum fundraising requirement of $2,500 for qualified runners. Runners are responsible for covering their Boston Marathon entry fee in addition to their fundraising obligations.

By requiring fundraising commitments, Official Charities aim to raise funds for important causes while showcasing the dedication and community spirit of marathon participants. The Boston Marathon has a long history of supporting charitable efforts, with participants raising millions of dollars over the years.
