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Brennan Center For Justice Freedom To Vote Act

The Freedom to Vote Act: Protecting Our Elections and Advancing Civil Rights

A Historic Bill to Safeguard American Democracy

In the face of unprecedented attacks on our elections, Congress has introduced the Freedom to Vote Act—a comprehensive bill that would safeguard the fundamental right to vote for all Americans. This groundbreaking legislation addresses a wide range of threats to our electoral system, including voter suppression, partisan sabotage, and election subversion.

Strengthening Voting Access

The Freedom to Vote Act makes it easier for all eligible citizens to cast their ballots by standardizing early voting periods, establishing automatic voter registration, and implementing same-day voter registration. These measures would reduce barriers to voting and increase voter turnout, particularly among marginalized communities who have historically faced obstacles to participating in elections.

Protecting Voter Registration

The bill also tackles the issue of voter roll purges and discriminatory voting laws. It would require states to keep voter registration lists up-to-date and prohibit purges based on outdated information. Additionally, it would ban laws that restrict voting based on factors such as race, income, or citizenship status.

Combating Election Subversion

The Freedom to Vote Act addresses the growing threat of election subversion by establishing clear rules for electoral officials and prohibiting partisan interference. It would require states to certify election results based on the actual vote count and prohibit the overturning of election results by partisan officials.

Advancing Civil Rights and Racial Justice

The Freedom to Vote Act is not just about protecting the right to vote; it is also about advancing civil rights and racial justice. By breaking down barriers to voting and ensuring that all voices are heard, this bill would create a more equitable and just society for all Americans.

A Call to Action

The Freedom to Vote Act is a critical step towards safeguarding our democracy and ensuring that all Americans have a voice in their government. Contact your elected representatives today and urge them to support this vital legislation. The future of our nation depends on it.
